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It was an authentic French dinner made with finest ingredients such as foie gras and truffles. |
フォアグラとトリュフなど、最高級食材で作られた本格的なフランス式ディナーだった。 |
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Social media such as LINE, Facebook, and Twitter have become very popular. |
LINE、Facebook、Twitterなどのソーシャルメディアは非常に人気があります。 |
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The government began requiring universities to consider factor such as race , ethnicity , and gender when selecting students for admission. |
政府は大学に、入学に関して生徒を選ぶとき、人種や民族性そして性別のような要素を考慮することを要求し始めている。 |
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He rejected the use of violence and instead chose methods such as non-cooperation, civil disobedience and mass protests. |
彼は暴力の使用を拒否し、その代わりに非協力的不服従や集団抗議運動の方法を選んだ。 |
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Opening large scale commercial facilities such as shopping centers decreased rapidly. |
ショッピングセンターなど大型商業施設の開業が急減する。 |
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As a matter of fact, it is the tiny species, such as bacteria, that keep the planet in balance. |
実際のところ、地球のバランスをたもっているのはバクテリアのような小さな生物です。 |
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Foreign institutional investors invest foreign funds such as US . pension funds in the Japanese stock market. |
海外の機関投資家は米国の年金基金のような資金を日本の株式市場に投資します。 |
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Birds, such as eagles and sparrows, are fascinating animals to observe.
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Insects, such as butterflies and bees, are essential pollinators in the ecosystem.
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Many insects, such as bees and ants, live in highly organized societies.